This is the podcast recording for the previously-published Chapter 13, Part 5: “Michael Bloomberg". This podcast is free and the paywall has been dropped for the post, so anyone can view it or listen to it.
A taste in case you missed the post:
In 2020, when he ran for president, it was possible that mega-billionaire Michael Bloomberg might have lured away the “pro-business” votes from Trump. I know he had at least one very devoted, well-known fan who had previously loudly supported Trump but would have happily stumped for the “good” billionaire instead (that is, if he weren’t locked up in prison at the time and viewed as an “untouchable” pariah by the entire political establishment): “Pharma Bro” Martin Shkreli.
While Martin Shkreli publicly proclaimed adoration of Trump in 2016, and even played part of the famous single-copy $2 million Wu-Tang Clan album over a live stream in celebration of Trump’s victory, he didn’t actually vote for the reality TV real estate mogul. Martin didn’t bother himself with voting in any election, presidential or otherwise. He despised politics and politicians in general. Had he been able to do so in 2020, however, he told me he might have made an exception for Bloomberg.
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